FEMALE preferably ARABIC *Greet and welcome guests as soon as they arrive at the office *Direct visitors to the appropriate person and offi...
Find prospects and leads Learn details about our products and services Understand all the prospects needs, problems or wants Explain how our sol...
We are hiring for a sales executive with experience in a printing press Abu Dhabi UAE. For those who has an experience can apply. Preferred Nationa...
Responsibilities: Troubleshooting technical issues. Creating design specs for web development projects. Website maintenance. Creating a...
Greet customers. Check for stock at other branches or order requested stock for customers. Provide customers with information about items. Ring...
The Spare part advisor responsible for sale and delivery of parts and accessories. Assesses needs, takes orders, and checks out customers. that co...
Nail Technician Responsibilities: Providing high-quality manicures and pedicures, which includes removing old nail polish from fingernails and t...
One of the Top Abu Dhabi’s Real Estate Property Management Company currently looking for Property Consultant – Male or Female We Offer AED 3,000...
One of the Top Abu Dhabi’s Real Estate Property Management Company currently looking for Female Listing Agent Property Coordinator CANDIDATES MU...
Bramwell and Partners Real Estate Management L.L.C is looking for Off Plan Sales Specialists to join our successful growing team. Responsibilit...